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“The DynaClean conveyor is very unique in that it allows us to completely disassemble it with ease every night and ensures full sanitation.  We know that we have a bacteria-free conveyor the next day.”

Jason Grobbel, President at E.W. Grobbel & Sons

Video Transcription

(Jason Grobbel)
At Grobbel’s, it’s a family business since 1883 and we have a passion for making great products and for cleanliness and sanitation. And no one can make great products unless that is one of the strongest principles.

The Dynamic Conveyor is very unique in that it allows us to completely disassemble it with ease every night, and put the components – because they’re made out of the plastic – the components can then be easily put into our Sani-Matic washer which then assures us of full sanitation throughout the unit and we know we have a bacteria-free conveyor the next day. It’s a wonderful enhancement to what we do.

In addition to that we have a conveyor, the particular conveyors we have from DynaCon were designed with a drip pan for our particular process, and they worked very closely with us to meet this very exacting need that we had. The old system that – the conveyors that we replaced with this product – had the general idea in mind, but because they were very bulky, they were very difficult to clean, harder to work with, and they just didn’t have the refinement what were able to come to fruition in the DynaCon system.

It disassembles with no tools, no special tools, and it reassembles quite easily as everything has a clear place to go. So it doesn’t require a lot of training, which is always a difficult challenge in a food processing environment.

We go to the various food processing machinery shows and I have yet to find anybody who does quite what Dynacon does. With the process they have in place – whether you’re across the country, or even in another country – their service is top notch and everyone over there, right up to the president Jill, who had always stayed in contact at the right times when we needed issues resolved. So that’s what distinguishes truly a great company, that they really follow up thoroughly after the sale with any issues that occur.

I think they have a great future ahead of them because they’re really filling a niche that’s not there with their unique approach that they have to designing, building, and customizing the Dynamic Conveyor systems.